A little background on the band NeedToBreathe first. They are frequently labeled as a “Christian-rock” band because of their successes in Christian radio markets. However, they resist that categorization because they say that it presents challenges to unbelievers.
The members of the band are Christians and they have spiritual threads throughout many of their songs. This song is no different. However, this song does not actually mention God or the Gospel message. I do like this song because it’s catchy and I think they have great talent.
So, I think for this song, I will presume that the band is speaking about God’s love for us. Which then opens up the box completely. And that is because I too wonder “Who am I to be loved by You, God? I can't imagine that I've earned Your trust and I don't understand where Your love comes from.”
We may not know WHY God loves us or WHERE His love comes from. But we do know HOW He showed His love for us. He demonstrated His loved for us in His suffering and death on the cross.
Jesus didn’t just humiliate and humble Himself by becoming one of us, He DIED for us – in our place. It should be you and me on that cross for our sins. But thanks be to God that He didn’t want us to suffer in that way, or suffer in hell for all eternity. All you need to do to be saved is repent and believe (which go hand-in-hand).
Soli Deo Gloria!
Philip Frank
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