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About Us

​We are a member congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).  We have served the community of Alpine, Texas and surrounding areas since December 31, 1940.  Our mission is to nurture a welcoming community through engaging and encouraging others in the name of Jesus Christ, our true Lord and Savior.  We are committed to fearlessly following wherever God leads us.

We are a fellowship of believers, all fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image.  As Christians, we are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ.  We are called to be His beacon of light and His hands and feet in this dark and lost world.  We are called to share the Great Gospel News of Jesus Christ's willful sacrifice on the cross to atone for our sins with everyone who will hear it, in Alpine and beyond!

We believe, teach, and confess the Holy Scriptures (the Holy Bible)

as the inerrant, infallible, unchanging, sufficient, true, and living Word of God.


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1003 West Holland Avenue

Alpine, Texas 79830

Mailing:  PO Box 1287

               Alpine, TX 79831

Phone:   (432) 279-0744


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